In 1933, during his business trip to Rome, Nello Spinosi, the first protagonist of the long history of Campofilone (one of the pearls of the Marche region) homemade pasta, used to bring the Maccheroncini made by her tireless wife Maria as a gift to his customers.

At that time there were no household appliances, but only expert hands could give goodness to a simple mixture.

The Roman gourmets started to appreciate his Maccheroncini more and more so that Nello had the idea to sell them.

He created the first package for sale and the first laboratory in Campofilone for his homemade production.

Thus the commercialization of an ancient product so far limited to a domestic consumption began.

It was from this small but important family business story that the Maccheroncini went beyond the edge of a small village, to become one of the most famous Italian products in the world.

The ancient Spinosi trademark can today count nearly a century of history.

Three generations succedeed in the development and management of the company with the same passion and commitment: Nello Spinosi first, Vincenzo Spinosi then, and nowdays Marco and Riccardo.





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